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AFA Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) 2012-13
The District and AFA have reached agreement on the following Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), which will be incorporated into the next Tentative Agreement to be ratified by the AFA membership and the Board of Trustees:
What is a Memorandum of Understanding or MOU?
A memorandum of understanding is a negotiated agreement between the recognized representative of the employees' bargaining agent. Here at SRJC this means a written, negotiated contractual agreement between the District and The All Faculty Association (AFA). These agreements set out conditions of employment (wages, hours, fringe benefits) for a stated period of time. Beyond conditions of employment the agreement will also contain a procedure for settling grievances over the application or interpretation of the agreement and may include terms governing the parties relationship (Pocket Guide to the Educational Employment Relations Act 102).
What happens to MOUs?
All negotiated agreements must be voted on or ratified by the AFA membership and the SRJC Board of Trustees. When AFA and the District sign an MOU, that written agreement or change to the Contract is in force and becomes part of the tentative agreement, which subsequently goes to the AFA membership and the board of trustees for voting approval.